EisenVault is one of the first Cloud Based Document Management Systems (DMS) to provide built-in support for Hindi OCR. Traditional DMS systems provide expensive add-on optical character recognition (OCR) software, which usually only supports English and other roman-script languages. EisenVault has built-in support for Hindi, Bengali and other Indian Languages, along with English, at no extra charge.
EisenVault’s Hindi OCR works with documents scanned in the following file formats:
User has the option to select OCR language when uploading documents. Images in the above-mentioned formats are OCRed and saved as searchable PDFs in the EisenVault repository.
For a free demo, please contact us today.
EisenVault के साथ आज ही हिंदी दस्तावेज़ को स्कैन अवं ओसीआर करें और उनका संरक्षण करें.