On-premises hosting of document management software on private cloud or company servers
The on premises document management version of EisenVault's Digital Document Management System offers the same features as the Cloud Based Secure Document Storage except that it uses one of your internal servers to store all the documents.
What Is An On-Premises Document Management System?
An On-Premises Document Management System (DMS) is a Data Storage System installed on your company's own servers, in your own server room, or captive data center. It allows businesses to store, secure, access, and manage documents and data in a central repository, which is accessible at high speeds over the company's internal LAN network or via a company VPN from employees' homes.
On-premises document management system offers:

Protection from hackers by company firewalls, with option to upgrade to enterprise grade SSL encryption
Compatiblity with all modern web browsers
To be mounted as a network share drive on Windows and Mac
Accessiblity from within company networks only

Benefits of Keeping your Documents and Data in an On-Premises Document Storage Software
Speed of Access: By using an On-Premises Document Management System installed on your internal server, you can increase the speed of access. Users will primarily access the system over a high-speed LAN network, which can be several times faster than the public internet.
Security is in your hands: The On-Premises Document Management Server will be as secure as your company's network and firewalls. As your office goes paperless, you have more control over securing it from external threats.
Compliance with Privacy Regulations: With the advent of strict privacy laws like the GDPR, having all your employee documents in-house can be advantageous. As you will not be using any third party for storing or processing this data, as you would in the Cloud, you will find it easier to comply with GDPR and other privacy regulations.

Key features of EisenVault Digital DMS
The EisenVault's version of on premises document management System offers a rich set of industry standard benefits.
Digital document storage
Online editing capabilities
Google Docs integration
Version control
Metadata attribution, e.g.
'Date' of document storage
'Employee ID' for an employee document
Document management workflows
Indexing and search abilities
Collaboration and social features
Document audit trails
Multi-language OCR - Hindi, Bengali, Tamil,Telugu and Nepalese amongst others
OCR of scanned images to searchable PDF documents
Support for multiple file types: PDF, Doc, Docx, ODT, Google Docs, TIFF, JPEG, etc
Cloud storage on secure servers
Highly secure enterprise grade encryption
Daily database backups
Easy and intuitive to use
No limit on file size
Easily customisable user interface
Accessible using web browser and mobile app

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On-Premises Document Management eDMS Implementation
No high upfront costs. Easy subscription pricing model available for On-Premises Document Management Solution.
The on-premises version of EisenVault's eDMS will be installed on your company's internal network and servers.
Your company's IT team will be empowered to manage security, backups, and maintenance.